SDF Hands Over 12 Vehicles to Implementing Ministries and Agencies
15 May 2024
The Minister of Planning and National Development, H.E Ahmed Mohamed Diiriye, who is also the chairperson of the Somaliland Development Fund (SDF) Joint Steering Committee, has presided over a vehicle handover event attended by three ministers, one representative of Hargeisa Water Agency Ministries and a Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) representative. During the event, 12 vehicles were handed over to four government institutions that had successfully implemented SDF funded projects up to March 2024.
The vehicles were allocated as follows:
- Hargeisa Water Agency received three vehicles,
- The Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Development received two vehicles,
- The Ministry of Agricultural Development received three vehicles, and
- The Ministry of Livestock and Rural Development received four vehicles.
The above ministries and agencies implemented development projects funded by the SDF in various sectors across Somaliland, all contributing to the improvement of the lives and livelihoods of millions of people in Somaliland. The projects included:
- Sustainable land management in Awdal region which enhanced agricultural productivity and climate resilience through water harvesting, soil conservation and micro irrigation. This was implemented by the Ministry of Agricultural Development.
- Strengthening Animal Production and Health Services in Toghdeer region which established Aroori Centre of Excellence and large-scale fodder production in Xaaxi. This project was implemented by the Ministry of Livestock and Rural Development.
- Strengthening Artisanal Fisheries in Sanaag region which established solar powered cold storage and ice making facilities in Hiis and Maydh as well as establishment of a fish market in Erigavo. This project was implemented by the Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Development.
- Construction of Maydh jetty which involved construction a 165m long multipurpose jetty in Maydh, which is already which is already facilitating export and import business into Sanaag region and beyond. This project was implemented under Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Development.
- Lasdhure water project which drilled four boreholes in Lasdhure aquifer and connected them to Geedeble booster station, proving water enough for over 200,000 people in Hargeisa. This project was implemented by the Hargeisa Water Agency.
During the handover ceremony held at the Ministry of Planning, Minister Ahmed Mohamed Diiriye emphasized the importance of utilizing vehicles to further enhance the impact of the completed projects. He stated, "These vehicles are meant to support and advance the works of the projects that have been successfully implemented. It is essential that they are used wisely for the betterment of our people." Minister Diiriye also expressed gratitude to the Development Partners (The UK, Denmark, The Netherlands, and Norway) for their continuous support through SDF and commended the Fund for its outstanding work and for supporting a visible change in Somaliland.
Christina Toepell, Deputy Head of British Office Hargeisa, Development and Economic Lead, present at the handover spoke on behalf of the Somaliland’s Development Partners stating “The SDF is a crucial project that we are funding in Somaliland, making a significant contribution to the development of Somaliland. I trust that the ministries, upon receiving these assets, will utilise them wisely to ensure the sustainability of the projects.”
The Ministers of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries, along with the Deputy General Manager of Hargeisa Water Agency, also extended their appreciation to SDF for the invaluable support provided. They pledged to uphold the investments made and ensure that the projects continue to benefit the people of Somaliland.
The Somaliland Development Fund – Phase 2 (SDF2) covers the period 2018-2025. SDF2 is conceived as an inclusive economic development programme, supporting the GoSL in delivering infrastructure that is relevant for inclusive economic development. It focuses on sustainable investments that spur job creation and fast growth, while at the same time laying the foundation for long-term resilience and development, leading to a more stable and peaceful Somaliland. SDF2’s ambitions are fully aligned with the NDP2 and reflect the priorities set out in Somaliland Vision 2030. SDF is funded by contributions from the governments of the United Kingdom, Denmark, The Netherlands, and Norway.